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Our Story

            I long have been inspired by the idea of kindness chains and how contagious a simple act of kindness can be.  Several years ago, I read a “Random Acts of Kindness” poster and, as odd as it may seem to live by the words of a poster, I have tried to live by those.  There is no hidden wisdom in the words.  They simply remind us to do nice things for people, little things, whenever we can, and for no other reason than “just because...”    


            Several years ago, I saw a piece on television about Karen Loucks, a woman who, despite “having everything,”  felt as though something important was missing from her life.  One day, while sitting somewhere knitting, a photo in an open magazine caught her eye.  The photo was of a small child, downy-haired from chemotherapy, clutching a blanket.  In the article, the child told of how much her blanket helped to make her feel better in the hospital.  Karen thought, “I can knit.  I can make blankets.”  Project Linus was born.  That was Christmas 1995.  Project Linus now has hundreds of chapters across the country, and its contributors hand-made and delivered ~10 million blankets to sick and traumatized children worldwide.


            After seeing that television piece, and others like it, I tried to find a way to use what I already do in my own life to give to this world in some meaningful way.  I am a singer, a performer.  I live from small check to small check.  I don’t have thousands or hundreds or even tens of dollars to give away, but I have this.  And I have friends of like minds and like hearts who also have this.  So here we are, sharing what we have and hoping you will do the same.


            AOK Cabaret has grown slowly but surely over the years. We have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for needful organizations doing fine work in our communities and, in the process, we have introduced modern cabaret to countless people who might otherwise never have experienced this wonderful art form.


            I have been overwhelmed at times by the enormity of this project, but I also continually am inspired and energized by the enthusiasm and generosity of others – donors, volunteers, staff, Board members -- towards Acts Of Kindness Cabaret. These people, along with all the beneficiary organizations who work hard to make our world better, inspire me every day. 


            From the bottom of my heart, I thank all those who have been actively involved in this process, those who have supported us along the way, and all those who will become a part of Acts Of Kindness Cabaret in the years to come.   


Hilary Ann Feldman

Founder/Artistic Director                

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